As a part of developing its international project, AlManarah Digital Library, since 2015 AlManarah has begun building bridges with other organizations throughout the Arab World. One of our leading networks is with the Jordanian organization We Love Reading, in which we received a collection of recorded children’s stories which were published through our digital library. In addition, we have cooperated with the University of Birzeit, and we received a large collection of audiobooks from them to publish. Furthermore, AlManarah is connected with famous Arab writers including Ibrahim Nasrallah, winner of the Arabic Booker Prize in 2018 and one of the most read Arabic authors of our time, and Rabai al-Madhoun, shortlisted for the Arabic Booker Prize in 2010 and a traveled and compelling journalist, both of which have generously allowed us to add recordings of their stories to our collection.
Finally, AlManarah has received various form of recognition and accolade throughout the Arab world including the prestigious Arab Language Award from Sheikh Rashid al-Maktoum.
We continue to seek connections with Arab organizations from Egypt and the Maghreb to the Levant and beyond.