1. Purpose of the Policy
The purpose of this Safeguarding Policy is to ensure that all individuals associated with AlManarah Association for the Advancement of People with Disabilities (hereinafter referred to as “the Association”) are protected from harm, abuse, and neglect. The policy is designed to ensure the safety and well-being of vulnerable persons, particularly children and adults with disabilities, who may be at risk due to their vulnerabilities.
2. Scope
This policy applies to all employees, volunteers, board members, contractors, and any other persons acting on behalf of or associated with the Association.
3. Definitions
- Vulnerable Persons: Individuals who, due to their physical or mental disabilities, age, or other personal circumstances, are more susceptible to harm or abuse.
- Safeguarding: The process of protecting vulnerable persons from harm, including physical, emotional, or psychological abuse, neglect, or exploitation.
- Abuse: Includes physical, emotional, sexual, financial, or institutional mistreatment, as well as neglect and discrimination.
4. Key Principles
AlManarah Association adheres to the following safeguarding principles:
- Safety and Dignity: All individuals have the right to feel safe, respected, and valued. This includes the right to protection from all forms of abuse, neglect, and exploitation.
- Zero Tolerance: The Association has zero tolerance for any form of abuse or neglect and will take immediate action to address any safeguarding concerns.
- Inclusivity: The safeguarding policy is designed to protect everyone, regardless of their abilities, background, gender, or age.
- Empowerment: The Association promotes the empowerment of vulnerable individuals, encouraging them to speak out and providing support when needed.
5. Responsibilities
- Staff and Volunteers: Every staff member and volunteer has the responsibility to safeguard vulnerable persons. They must be aware of this policy and adhere to its guidelines.
- Safeguarding Officer: The Association will designate a Safeguarding Officer who will be responsible for overseeing safeguarding practices, managing concerns, and ensuring compliance with this policy.
- Training: All staff and volunteers will receive appropriate training in safeguarding and the recognition of abuse. Training will be updated regularly to ensure that all individuals are aware of the latest procedures.
Safeguarding Procedures
Reporting Concerns
- Any safeguarding concerns must be reported immediately to the Safeguarding Officer.
- If the Safeguarding Officer is not available, concerns should be reported to the senior leadership team or board of trustees.
- A written report must be made of any safeguarding concerns, including details of the incident, individuals involved, and any actions taken.
Responding to Allegations
- All allegations of abuse will be taken seriously, and appropriate action will be taken based on the nature of the allegation.
- The Association will cooperate fully with any external investigations, including those conducted by local authorities, law enforcement, or regulatory bodies.
- Confidentiality will be maintained as far as possible, but where necessary, information will be shared to protect vulnerable individuals.
7. Preventative Measures
- Screening and Vetting: All employees, volunteers, and contractors working with vulnerable persons must undergo background checks, including criminal record checks, to ensure they are fit for the role.
- Environment: The Association will ensure that its physical and online environments are safe and accessible for all individuals, particularly those with disabilities.
- Whistleblowing: The Association encourages a culture of openness and will protect staff and volunteers who raise concerns about safeguarding from any form of retaliation.
8. Safeguarding Children and Young People
AlManarah Association acknowledges that children and young people with disabilities are especially vulnerable to abuse. Special measures will be taken to ensure their safety, including:
- Providing clear guidelines on appropriate and inappropriate behavior when working with children and young people.
- Ensuring that any staff or volunteers working directly with children are adequately trained in child protection.
9. Partnership with External Agencies
The Association will work closely with local safeguarding bodies, disability advocacy groups, and law enforcement to ensure that vulnerable individuals are supported and that any safeguarding concerns are dealt with appropriately.
10. Policy Review
This policy will be reviewed annually or in response to any significant changes in safeguarding legislation or practice. The review process will involve consultation with staff, volunteers, and stakeholders, as well as feedback from individuals benefiting from the Association’s services.
AlManarah Association for the Advancement of People with Disabilities is committed to safeguarding the well-being of vulnerable individuals and will take every step necessary to prevent abuse, neglect, and exploitation. By implementing this policy, the Association aims to create a safe and supportive environment for all.